Deuxième République

Official section
Laws, ordinances, decrees and decisions
The Presidency of the Republic
Ordinance #086-PRG-84 of June 21, 1984

The President of the Republic, Whereas the declaration
of empowering the Army on Apri1 3, 1984;

Whereas the Proclamation of the Second Republic;

First article — A Military Committee of National Recovery is established as follows:

  1. Colonel Lansana Conte
  2. Colonel Diarra Traore
  3. Chef de Bataillon Alhousseny Fofana
  4. Capitaine Jean Traore
  5. Capitaine Facinet Toure
  6. Capitaine Lancine Keita
  7. Lieutenant Ahdourahamane Diallo
  8. Sous-Lieutenant Gbago Joseph Zoumanigui
  9. Capitaine Mamadou Balde
  10. Adjudant-Chef Sekou Toure
  11. Capitaine Pathe Barry
  12. Capitaine Lamine Sacko
  13. Capitaine Fode Momo Camara
  14. Capitaine Mamadi Bayo
  15. Capitaine Mohamed Oumar Kebet
  16. Capitaine Mohamed Traore
  17. Capitaine Bakary Sacko
  18. Capitaine Sekou Traore
  19. Capitaine Kerfalla Camara
  20. Commandant Sidi Mohamed Keita
  21. Commandant Makan Camara
  22. Commandant Kekoura Camara
  23. Commandant Ousmane Sow
  24. Capitaine Alpha Oumar Diallo

Article 2 — The Military Committee of National Recovery is responsible for:

  1. Co-ordinating and directing economic and financial activities for defense to insure a more harmonious and dynamic economic and social development within the Country.
  2. The formulation of socioeconomic objectives in the long, ffiedium and short terms in close collaboration with all the ministerial departments and all the institutions of the country.
  3. To initiate and direct the establishment of programs and plans of development and to guarantee the synthesis and cohesion of the economic, financial, monetary and human aspects of the development of the Nation.
  4. To direct and authorize the investment of private capital that is of imperative interest to the Nation.
  5. To promote all bilateral and multilateral economic, scientific, and technical co-operation.

Article 3 — No important decision of an economic, social, financial or defense nature which affects the Guinean nation is to be taken without the approval of the Military Committee of National Recovery.

Article 4 — The pre-eminent function of the Military Committee of National Recovery in co-ordinating and initiating all economic, financial, social institutions and in the organlzation of foreign relations should be undisputed.

Article 5 — All the members of the Military Committee of National Recovery have the rank of Minister.

Article 6 — All important discussions on a national level and all important negotiations relative to the development of the country must be conducted under the authority of the Military Committee of National Recovery.

Article 7 — All agreements, covenants, etc., negotiated within the Co-operative framework must he submitted to the Military Committee of National Recovery for examination and the eventual signature.

Article 8 — The C.M.R.N. assembles on the summons of the President.

Article 9 — [Not available.]

Article 10 —The Executive Bureau is responsible for overseeing the final decisions of the C.M.R.N. or the Council of the Government. It is composed as follows:

Article 11 — The present ordinance will he recorded and published in the Official Journal of the Republic.

Conakry, June 21, 1984
Colonel Lansana Conte

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