Coup d'Etat du 3 avril 1984

Declaration of
the Military Committee of National Recovery

People of Guinea,
People of Africa
People of the World,

Following its first broadcasted official statements, you must without any doubt wonder about the intentions of the Military Committee of National Recovery, which on Tuesday, April 3, 1984, responding to the appeal of its People, took the destiny of the country in its own hands. This is the objective of the present Declaration.
The Internal Plan is a question of preventing you, People of Guinee, from continuing to be the victim of domestic struggles by the political class in power in order that you may, in serenity and security, aspire to the rightful good fortune which you deserve.
First of all, the C.M.R.N. would like to reassure one and all that its intervention is not directed against anyone in particular, but is aimed at correcting rather a situation which has lasted for too long. This is why it promises that no one will be troubled anymore by its actions. Certainly, guilty and criminal acts will receive the sanction that their perpetrators deserve, being understood that the Military Committee of National Recovery doesn't intend to dirty its hands with the blood of the sons of the country.
People of Guinee,
Since the 26 years that you have won your independence, from day to day, the hope of seeing the good fortune to which you aspire became a mirage while the liberty of your sons was ridiculed. The Military Committee of National Recovery suggests to you to take a new position within the following conditions:

  1. It promises to guarantee harmony and national reconciliation and to respect all rights, notably those of freely encouraging your participation in the creation of a free and prosperous nation, will be effective given your cooperation.
    In order to attain this objective, there is an appeal to your elevated sense of good citizenship, so that a settling of scores is avoided and prevented.
  2. It promises to guarantee to all' individually and collectively, the wealth and security of the People, in order, cohesion and discipline; must be freely able to partake in creative activity for the good fortune of the People.
  3. It promises to restore education, teaching, professional training, and opening up to the youth, the adult or to the worker, with equal opportunities, the doors of public or private employment.
  4. To rectify the dilapidated national economy, the Military Committee of National Recovery promises to undertake the reforms of the economic and monetary political institutions necessary for a rational tapping of our national resources in a framework that encourages free enterprise and guarantees a consistent intervention when dealing with national as well as foreign opponents.

It remains understood that the goal of this recovery is to facilitate an equitable redistribution between all, allowing the producing countries and cities freedom in disposing of the profit of its efforts.

Fellow Guineans,
For the accomplishment of this mission, the Military Committee of National Recovery has and will need the effective support and understanding of one and all, for the heritage which it was bequeathed is burdensome. It will be necessary that each citizen tightens his belt and goes to work in effect, to recapture 26 years lost which will ask on the part of all, immense efforts.

On the international plan, the Military Committee of National Recovery reaffirms:
Its adherence to the principles of the Charters of the United Nations, the OAU, the Movement of the Non-Aligned, as well as international, regional and sub-regional Organizations, of which Guinee is a member; Its adherence to the principles of the universal Declaration ot the Rights of Man, with respect to the rights of People and democratic liberties. Its adherence to sovereignty and territorial integrity of all the states in their own domestic affairs to which it will never interfere; That it will respect all the subscribed agreements with foreign nations in the name of the People of Guinee; That it will accord total support to the movements of national liberty in Africa, in the Middle East and in the world; Its desire of promoting to all the Nations of the World, and the intergovernmental and international Organizations, a sincere and loyal cooperation which takes into account sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Guinee as well as the African world.

The Military Committee of National Recovery sincerely offers to all the People of the World that it is and will only be aligned to the rightful aspirations of its People.

Long live the glorious
Nation of Guinea!
Long live the Republic!
The C.M.R.N.

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