Guinée-Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Marketing in Guinea


Marketing Aids

Although advertising has not yet achieved the sophistication typical of European or North African markets, the U.S. exporter is offered a wide choice of media for making his products known to potential customers.

Marketing channels common in the industrialized world are utilized only to a minimal extent in Guinea. Generally, these fora are utilized for low-cost, mass consumption products such as canned dairy products, soft drinks, or cooking condiments. Billboard advertisements for consumption items are utilized in Conakry and, occasionally, in the interior. There are several local newspapers and business guides published weekly or biweekly which reach the consumer market in Conakry, in which advertising is inexpensive.

Several European-based magazines enjoy wide circulation, including Bingo, Paris Match, La Vie Africaine,and Jeune Afrique, as well as the European editions of Time and Newsweek. Many businesspeople in Guinea also read some of the African business publications that carry advertising. These periodicals include: Afrique Agriculture, Afrigue Industrie Infrastructure, Afrique Transport, Marchés Tropicaux et Mediterranéens, Modern African Development, Moniteur Afrique du Commerce et de l'Industrie, and West African Technical Review.

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