Guinée-Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Marketing in Guinea

Marketing in Guinea


Marking, Labeling, and Packaging

All cartons, cases, crates, and packages containing American-produced merchandise must bear marking identifying the United States as the country of origin before it will be allowed to enter Guinea. The marking must be legibly and indelibly written in French. Accepted marks are "Import des Etats-Unis d'Amérique," "Fabriqué aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique," (i.e. "Imported from the U.S.A." or "Made in U.S.A./" respectively).

Marks of origin are also required on the labels of products exported to Guinea. These can be either in English or in French. There are no specific regulations on packaging, but goods shipped to Guinea should be securely packaged to withstand tropical heat, moisture, pests, rough handling, and pilferage. Importers recommend that American shippers avoid thin cardboard or plywood containers because they are easily broken into and readily damaged if exposed to weather. Many goods entering Guinea must be transported either by truck or rail. To ensure safe arrival at destination, all packages should be of sturdy construction, properly supported (preferably on the inside), and banded on the outside with steel strapping.

Note: Senate Concurrent Resolution 40, adopted July 30, 1973, invites U.S. exporters to inscribe, insofar as practicable, on the external shipping containers in indelible print of a suitable size: United states of America. Although such marking is not compulsory under law, U.S. shippers are urged to cooperate in this publicizing of American made goods.

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