Party Politics and the electoral process
1993 Presidential Election

International Republican Institute
Guinea: Presidential Election Report
19 December 1993

Washington, DC. 1995. 25 p.

Delegation to the Republic of Guinea
December 16, 1993

Our Reference: GP/mcf/2465/93

To: The Ambassador of the United States

RE: Presidential Elections
CIJ Observers

Mr. Ambassador,

I am pleased to inform you that the CIJ headquarters in Geneva has confirmed to me that Mr. Adama Dieng, Secretary-General of the CIJ, before his departure for Palestine on December 13, 1993, sent a letter to the Republic of Guinea by expedited mail and by fax.

In this letter, Mr. Dieng informed the president of tbe Republic that the analysis of Professor Maurice Glele, Director of the Institute of Human Rights and Democracy and a member of the Benin Constitudonal Court, who undertook a mission to Conakry last December 7-10, concluded that it was necessary to postpone the electoral deadline, thus confirming the conclusions of the previous CIJ mission. Consequently, the CIJ believes that it cannot send to Guinea the team of 80 observers as scheduled for the presidential ballot called for December 19, 1993.

On this occasion, I would like, Mr. Ambassador, to express to you my sincere personal thanks for the close, confidence-inspiring cooperation you created between you, Embassy and the Delegadon during the entire course of this Guinean electoral process.

The Head of the Delegation
G. Petipierre
(signature and seal)

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