Party Politics and the electoral process
The 1993 Presidential Election

International Republican Institute
Guinea: Presidential Election Report
19 December 1993

Washington, DC. 1995. 25 p.

List of members of the National Electoral Commission

  1. Amadou Dieng. Adviser - representative of the Ministry of Interior and Security
  2. Karamoko Kandet. National Director. Representative of the MIS
  3. Dembo Touré. National Director. Representative of the MIS
  4. N'fa Ousmane Touré. Head of Section. Rrepresentative of the Ministry of Justice
  5. Lt. Colonel Mohamed Lanone Traoré. Representative of the Ministry of Defense
  6. Mamadou Souaré. Chief of Cabinet. Representative of the Ministry of Planning and Finance
  7. Abraham Doukouré. National Director. Representative of the Ministry of External Affairs and Cooperation
  8. Alpha Kabiné Keita. National Director (computer science systems analyst). Representative of the Ministry of Communications
  9. Digui Bérété. Representative of the UPG
  10. M'Baye Gueye. Representative of the UNPG
  11. Ibrahima Laho Diallo. Representative of the PGUG
  12. Sory Serinde Diallo. Representative of the PRP
  13. Momo Conté. Representative of the PEG
  14. Abdoul Kabele Camara. Representative of the PUP
  15. Ibrahima Sory Diallo. Representative of the UGD
  16. Thierno Hassan Diallo. Representative of the PLD
  17. M'Bemba Kabine Dioubaté. Representative of the RGD
  18. Mamadi Nabé Touré. Representative of the UDG
  19. Moriba Doumbouya. Representative of the PUP
  20. Aguibou Kamban Bah. Representative of the UNDG
  21. Famoro Sidramé Camara. Representative of the RPG
  22. Ansoumane Bangoura. Representative of the RGT
  23. Aly Conté. Representative of the UNP
  24. Mamadi Sidibé. Representative of the ANP
  25. Moussa Sano Soumah. Representative of the PUD
  26. Tamba Lamine Millimono. Representative of the PPG
  27. Lansana Magasouba. Representative of the ARENA
  28. Mohamed Lamine Samoura. Representative of the PDEG
  29. Amadou Bailo Bah. Representative of the Dyama
  30. Fodé Mamadou Keita. Representative of the PDG-RDA
  31. Ghandi Tounkara. Representative of the UDS
  32. Mamadou Bailo Baldé. Representative of the PGP
  33. Gadiri Diallo. Representative of the PGT
  34. Thierno Boubacar Diallo. Representative of the RNP
  35. Sidy Diara. Representative of the UNR
  36. Mohamed Cheick Bah. Representative of the ADN
  37. Boye Guilavogui. Representative of the RDD
  38. Soulemane Savané. Representative of the UPN
  39. Joseph Tamba Mansaré. Representative of the PLG
  40. Alama Bayo. Representative of the PS
  41. Kabako Condé. Representative of the PSDG
  42. El Hadj Sékou Oumar Keita. Representative of the UDR
  43. Mohamed Dyeli Sidibé. Representative of the RPD
  44. Aboubacar Mangué Camara. Representative of the LCC
  45. Abass Barry. Representative of the UFR
  46. Amadou Thierno Diallo. Representative of the UND
  47. Ibrahima Sory Soumah. Representative of PRGP
  48. Jonas Lamah. Representative of the Christian community
  49. El Hadj Oumar Bangoura. Representative of the National Islamic League
  50. El Hadj Abdoulaye Kaba. Representative of the National Islamic League
  51. Mohamed Lamine Youla. Representative of the Order of Advocates
  52. El Hadj Mamadou Dia. Representative of the Association of Journalists of Guinea
  53. Aboubacar Sankaréla Diallo. Representative of the Guinean Association of Editors of the Independent Press
  54. Dr. Kékoura Camara. Representative of the Guinean Association of Former Diplomats
  55. Khalil Fofana. Representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture
  56. Sidafa Camara. Representative of universities and institutions of higher studies
  57. Aly Badara Sylla. Representative of universities and institutions of higher studies
  58. Daraba Saran Camara. Representative for coordination of female NGOs
  59. Lealah Koundouno. Representative of coordination of female NGOs
  60. Christian Sow. Representative of the Organization for the Defense of Human Rights
  61. Moussa Mara. Representative of the National Union of Former Servicemen
  62. Soriba Sylla. Representative of unemployed graduates
  63. Abdoulaye Doumbouya. Representative of unempleyed of former servicemen
  64. Mara Mamou Mario. Representative of the National Council of Entrepreneurs
  65. Dr. Ousmane Barry. Representative of the Order of Doctors, Surgeons and Pharmacists
  66. Dr. Cherif Diallo. Representative of the Order of Engineers and Certified Public Accountants

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