Party Politics and the electoral process
The 1993 Presidential Election

International Republican Institute
Guinea: Presidential Election Report
19 December 1993

Washington, DC. 1995. 25 p.

List of presidential candidates

  1. His Excellency Lansana Conté
    Parti de l'Unité et du Progrès (PUP)
    Party of Unity and Progress
  2. Alpha Condé
    Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinée (RPG)
    People's Assembly of Guinea
  3. Mamadou Bâ
    Union pour la Nouvelle République (UNR)
    Union for the New Republic
  4. Siradiou Diallo
    Parti du Renouveau et du Progrès (PRP)
    Party of Renewal and Progress
  5. El Hadj Ismail Ghussein
    Parti Démocratique de Guinée-Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (PDG-RDA)
    Democratic Party of Guinea-Democratic African Assembly
  6. Jean Marie Doré
    Union pour le Progrès de la Guinée (UPG)
    Union for the Progress of Guinea
  7. El Hadj Mohamed Mansour Kaba
    The People
  8. Facinet Touré
    Union Nationale pour la Prosperité de la Guinée (UNPG)
    National Union for the Prosperity of Guinea

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