La crise de 2007 / Le point de non-retour

UN chief calls for peaceful resolution to current dispute in Guinea

Xinhua News

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon urged parties concerned in Guinea to find a peaceful resolution to the current dispute, UN Spokesperson Michelle Montas said Monday.

In a statement released by his spokesperson, Ban said he is gravely concerned at the excessive use of force resulting in the loss of life in clashes in Guinea.

He strongly urged the government to carry out investigations into the killings with a view to bringing those responsible to justice, including members of the security forces, and to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of all citizens throughout the country.

"The Secretary-General calls on the government of Guinea to exercise maximum restraint on its security forces, and urges the parties to engage in dialogue in order to find a peaceful resolution to the dispute," Montas said.

She also added that Ban also hoped that the planned Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) leaders' visit to Guinea will take place as a matter of urgency.

Three people were killed and dozens of others injured in clashes between Guinean security forces and strikers on Saturday, as the general strike calling for President Lansana Conte to step down continued.

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