La crise de 2007 / Le point de non-retour

Ongoing strike halts aluminum works in Guinea

Toronto Star
January 23, 2007

Alcoa Inc. and Global Alumina Corp. both halted operations in Guinea as a nationwide strike that has so far claimed 27 lives entered its 13th day.

Labour unions in Guinea, the world's biggest bauxite producer, began a nationwide strike Jan. 10, calling for President Lansana Conte, 73, to resign because of his age and poor health.

Alcoa Inc. and Alcan Inc. own stakes in Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée, a mining joint venture with the Guinean government. The mines produce about 13 million tonnes of alumina a year, most sent to North American smelters. Bauxite is an ore used to make aluminum.

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