La crise de 2007 / Le point de non-retour

France Calls for Calm in Guinea

Daily Trust (Abuja)
January 22, 2007

By Elkanah Chawai

France has called for calm in Guinea after general strike by the unions calling for the resignation of ailing President Lansana Conte led to violence killing 10.

In a release by the Embassy in Abuja, the French Foreign Affairs expressed concerns over the risks the country is exposed in the event of the violence which has followed the strike.

"France calls on all the political actors, labor unions and civil society to seek a solution through dialogue. France is conferring closely with its European partners on the spot, specifically the German mission which currently holds the EU presidency. The situation in Guinea is being closely watched by the international community. A destabilization of the country would have serious consequences for the sub-region.

French nationals have been urged to restrict their travel and to observe the advisories to be vigilant and exercise caution. Meanwhile, France is participating in an international colloquium which kicks off tomorrow in Malito brainstorm on identifying ways and means of promoting governance suited to the challenges of the African continent.

The colloquium which is titled "Between tradition and modernity, which governance for Africa," is co-organized by the Institute for a New Debate on Governance ((IRG, Paris) and the Alliance to Reshape Government in Africa (ARGA, Bamako).

The colloquium will bring together ministers from Mali, African, Canadian and French universities, and representatives of all components of African society.

The statement stated that the initiative is part of the French strategy for democratic governance, adopted at the joint meeting on December 5, 2006 of the inter-ministerial committee on international cooperation and development, and the inter-ministerial committee for immigration control.

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