La crise de 2007 / Le point de non-retour

Couverture par la Presse mondiale sur la situation en Guinée

Guinean President under fire!

January 22nd, 2007 — africanpress

Guinea's President Lansana Conte seized power — forcefully, then got elected to the presidency. Now on his third term, with bad health, he still wants to cling to power.

Realising the end is coming, he has chosen to show a brave face, calling on his people to let him continue to rule them. But are his people listening or they want their rights?

President Lansana Conte is asking his countrymen to support him even though the country has had ongoing protests for over 12 days.

He is facing calls to step down accused of the way he has run down the country’s economy, according to his critics. There are also claims of his deteriorating health.

Many people have died during the protest. It is reported that the security fired on the protesters.

BBC reports that, “food prices are said to have risen sharply in the capital, Conakry, with shortages of staple foods including rice and bread. Hundreds of people are said to have been arrested since the strike began.”

But when he decided to call on his people for support, “speaking on state radio in the local Sousssou language, Mr Conte insisted his time in office was not yet over.”

The problem in the continent is the fact that leaders once in power do not wish to vacate the seat. Some would like to rule until death takes them out of office.

It is the right of the people to demand good leadership, with health good enough to be able to deal with the country’s challenges.

By Korir

Published by African Press in Norway, APN, africanpress@chello.no, tel. +47 932 99 739, source.bbc

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