November 10, 1958
Art. 39.
All citizens of the Republic of Guinea, without distinction as to race,
sex or creed, shall have the right to elect and be elected under the conditions
established by law.
Art. 40.
The citizens of the Republic of Guinea shall enjoy freedom of speech, of
press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of public demonstrations
under the conditions as set by law.
Art. 41.
Freedom of religion shall be assured to all citizens by the secularity of
schools and state.
Art. 42.
No one shall be detained arbitrarily.
Art. 43.
The domicile of citizens of the Republic of Guinea is inviolable. The privacy
of a citizen's mail is guaranteed by law.
Art. 44.
The citizens of the Republic of Guinea shall enjoy same and equal right
to work, rest, social assistance and education. The exercise of trade unionism
and the right to strike are recognized for the workers.
Art. 45.
Any act of racial discrimination as well as all propaganda of a racial or
regional character shall be punishable by law.
Art. 46.
The Republic of Guinea grants the right of sanctuary to foreign citizens
pursued because of their struggle for the defense of a just cause or for
their scientific or cultural activities.
Art. 47.
All citizens of the Republic of Guinea shall conform to the Constitution
and other laws of the Republic, pay their taxes and fulfill in an honest
manner their civic duties.
Art. 48.
The defense of the nation is the sacred duty of every citizen of the Republic of Guinea.
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