
Alhassan Sillah
Guinea's military leader bans demonstrations

Associated Press
Sept. 30, 2009

Conakry, Guinea — Guinea's military leader banned all gatherings and demonstrations until further notice and called for two days of mourning starting Wednesday after troops opened fire on protesters at a pro-democracy rally earlier this week.

A human rights group said 157 people were killed and more than 1,200 were wounded, while the government maintains 57 died and said most of them were trampled.

Flags fluttered at half-staff in the capital's quiet streets Wednesday morning. Shops, schools and fuel stations were closed.

Capt. Moussa “Dadis” Camara appeared on state television late Tuesday, blaming the opposition for acting irresponsibly in Monday's demonstration and calling for an inquiry.

The protest in the capital's main soccer stadium turned bloody when Camara's presidential guard opened fire into the crowd of 50,000, scattering panicked demonstrators and leaving behind scores of dead. Opposition politician Mutarr Diallo said he witnessed soldiers raping women with rifle butts.

“It was the opposition politicians who led other people's sons and daughters to their deaths while their own sons and daughters are comfortably living elsewhere,” Camara said, referring to wealthy Guineans who send their children abroad to study.

He said the government would pay the families of the wounded and dead. He also warned religious leaders, politicians and the media against inciting violence.

“I call on imams, political leaders, civil society groups and the mass media to refrain from doing or saying things that will further plunge this country into anarchy,” he said.

Eyewitnesses told New York-based Human Rights Watch that security forces stripped female protesters and raped them in the streets during Monday's protest. The rights group, citing eyewitness reports, said soldiers also stabbed protesters with knives and bayonets.

Hardly anyone had heard of Camara, an army captain in his 40s, until his men broke down the glass doors of the state TV station Dec. 23 after the death of longtime leader Lansana Conte. Camara announced that the constitution had been dissolved and that the country was under the rule of a military junta.

Since the coup, tensions have risen amid rumors that Camara may run in presidential elections scheduled for Jan. 31. Camara initially indicated that he would not but said recently he has the right to do so if he chooses.

Since winning independence half a century ago from France, Guinea has been pillaged by its ruling elite. Its 10 million people are among the world's poorest, even though its soil has diamonds, gold, iron and half the world's reserves of the raw material used to make aluminum.