Guinée-Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Marketing in Guinea



French is the official language. Most business people and government officials do not speak English. Communications in a language other than French frequently do not receive a response.

Business correspondence is ordinarily conducted by means of airmail letters, Transit time to and from Guinea can vary greatly but is usually between 2 and 4 weeks. Airmail letters from the United States now cost 50 cents for a letter weighing one half ounce. Post office box numbers, rather than street numbers, should be used in addresses.
Telegrams, telexes, and facsimiles are frequently used to supplement airmail communications. Fax exchanges are available in Conakry. Most government agencies and many businesses have their own fax numbers. The major international hotels will send and receive cable/telex/fax messages.

Local telephone service is available in Conakry and the larger provincial towns. There is now direct dial calling between the Guinea and the United States. Three cellular companies are operational in Conakry. Plans are under way for tying Guinea into the Internet as part of the USAID-funded Leland Inititative.

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