Guinée-Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Marketing in Guinea


In 1993, total bauxite and alumina production amounted to 15,439,908 metric tons worth $917.3 million. Bauxite exports were 14,357,884 metric tons. The Pittsburgh-based consortium Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee (CBG) easily led the three producing companies in production with 12,479,800 metric tons. About one-sixth of U.S. bauxite imports are supplied from Guinea.

Diamond production in 1993 by the sole producing company AREDOR reached 93,428 carats, of which 91,764.carats were exported. Their sales value, since over 90 percent are of gem quality, was estimated at $37,371,444. Artisanal production in 1993 amounted to 373,621 carats, of which 126,000 carats were exported with a sales value of $27,108,900. A considerable amount of diamonds are still smuggled out of Guinea. In April 1994, AREDOR ceased operations in Guinea.

Gold production by the sole producing company Societe Aurifere de Guinee (SAG) in 1992 was placed at 1,113.99 kilograms. Of this amount 1,080.76 kilograms were exported at a reported value of $11, 645,000. SAG ceased operations in 1992 and negotiations have been proceeding for a new foreign partner. A considerable amount of gold is smuggled out of Guinea each year. Most of the gold, as with the diamonds, was sold to Belgium.

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